
Friday, June 15, 2012

Never Surrender 2

On Wednesday I posted my first post for this blogfest here
 but that was before Wednesday morning really got going . . .before all this:

By 9a.m. on Wednesday, I had learned that my Aunt Linda has passed away the night before, my youngest daughter came to me with a rash that looked like chicken pox, a cement truck had gone down on it's side in the low ditch-like space between our neighbor's driveway and ours, and a humor-filled party type atmosphere had taken up residence in the driveway area, with work crews laughing and snapping pictures, four tow trucks, coffee, folding stools to sit on, my parents watching the whole thing like a four ring circus, and my dogs keeping an eye on everyone.

I felt like someone had taken my normal life and tipped it on it's side, shaken it, and then set it back down again.

I had grief for my Aunt, while at the same time the joy knowing that she loved the Lord, and is far happier now in heaven than she has been feeling ill for the last few months.

I had worry for my daughter, with a fever and a bubbly red rash that popped and oozed.

I had this odd and somewhat funny spectacle in my driveway.

Neighbor's driveway, work crew with cameras, one of the tow trucks attempting to lift the cement truck is dug into their front yard with its front wheels off the ground.

This pic shows my parents with their camera, coffee, folding stools and the really big tow truck in the background in our shared driveway. The white blob in the trees on the right is the concrete truck on it's side. (And yes, these are my parents age 74 and nearly 71 who took a major motor scooter trip a month ago - oh and my Dad's hat is a "joke-fake-hair" hat.)

Life just kind of blew up in my face on Wednesday . . .and I had to keep moving to keep up with it.

My daughters and I had a goal of finishing our main homeschool lessons by Thursday, and despite chicken pox, fever, family loss, and a strange cement truck, we finished! (well, except for those pesky math exercises and journal entries I expect them to do over the summer)

Thoughts and emotions, words and prayers have swirled through me these last few days, but I just keep moving on. I hug my hubby. I cuddle my kids, have conversations, pray, write.

 I will never surrender to any kind of sorrow, grief, or worry that acts like a stop sign or a bottomless cliff. The joys of faith, life, and family are too full and fierce.


  1. That was a lot for one day! Glad you got through it.
    Looks like your parents were really enjoying the show.

  2. May the Lord bless you and keep you, Tyrean. May He make His face to shine upon you. You are a true soldier. I probably would have caved. :)

  3. Holy cow. Sometimes those days that feel all shaken up and wrong can teach us amazing things. I'm glad you survived Wednesday. Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  4. So sorry to hear about your Aunt. Will pray for you and your family.

    Yes, we always must keep moving on despite everything, don't we? Be sure and take time for yourself too.

    Blessings and hugs,

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt and I hope your daughter is doing better. I didn't have chicken pox until I was in middle school and it was miserable! But We Survive!

  6. Were you able to type all that up without laughing hysterically and tearing up at the same time? Such sadness and hilarity all in one fell swoop. Quite a lot to take. But amid oozing red bumps, toppled cement trucks and tow trucks threatening didn't Surrender.

    Big hugs and many blessings!!

  7. Wow, Tyrean. What a day! Hugs to you. Hope your girl is feeling better.

  8. Alex - it was a wild Wednesday, and my parents definitely enjoyed the show.

    Linda - Thank you for the blessing and the prayer!

    Elana - Thanks for hosting!

    Karen - Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes it seems like life is speeding by and it's hard to stop.

    Heather - That's right! We survive!

    Angela - Big Hugs and Blessings to you too!!!

    M Pax - Thanks! Hugs to you too!

  9. Some days pile it on, don't they? In those times, the never surrender (or surrender it all to Jesus) is especially key.

  10. Oh well done for getting through all that with humor - and for writing it down! What a day. Life certainly knows how to throw stuff in a pot and mix it all about :-) (I'm sorry about your aunt, but I agree, she's in a very nice place now)

  11. Sorry you had to endure about all of the turmoil and loss Wednesday. I bet you didn't realize this was an interactive blogfest...did you? :)

  12. Barbara - Amen!

    Susan - Life does that . . .and if I didn't write it down I would have a tough time handling it all.

    DL Hammon - Definitely didn't know it was interactive . . .

  13. Sorry for the loss of your aunt. When life happens to me it happens just like it did for you- in tandem X 2.

  14. So terribly late visiting the blogfest, but getting so much great stuff from it! 'The joys of faith, life, and family are too full and fierce' - so well put!!! I have days where I forget this, when everything seems dark, but praise the Lord he always shows me through the dark places and back into the fierce and beautiful light!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!