
Friday, June 8, 2012


All that insecurity I revealed on Wednesday came on a bad day in a bad moment that had nothing to do with all my awesome blogging buddies. You all rock!!!

In fact in the last two months I've received four awards! Four! It's pretty amazing. I've been very loved on and I appreciate it!

Tara Tyler of Tara Tyler Talks and Marcy of Maine Words gave me these sweet awards!
I would like to pass them both on to:
Allison at Geek Banter
and Laurel of Laurel's Leaves
and Nate Wilson of Sometimes the Wheel is on Fire

The Golden Eagle of The Eagle's Aerial Perspective gave me this award, and I really appreciate it since I often feel like my comments are lacking at times . . .so this award is super encouraging!
I would like to pass it on to all of you who stop by and comment, but I would like to pass it on especially to:
L. G. Smith of Bards and Prophets
and Joy of It's a Joy!

I've received this award before, but the awesome Geek Twins gave it to  me again back in April. (I'm really behind on my awards) The Liebster Blog Award goes to blogs with less than 300 followers.
I would like to give this award to:
and Joanne of 10 Minutes 2 Breathe

Go visit these awesome bloggers, have a beautiful, wonder-filled weekend, and keep writing!!!
And Many, Many Thanks to all of you for Encouraging me in this blogging and writing journey.

100 Days of Revision, Day 39
Wednesday I made huge progress in the evening, yesterday I wrote notes in margins. Today . . . I plan on working with 1,000 words.

And, in blogging and publishing news:
You can win a copy of Poetry Pact Volume 1 from Laurel's Leaves and take part in a blog hop with awesome giveaways to celebrate the release of Poetry Pact Volume 1 hosted by Angela Felsted


  1. Congratulations and thank you! Now go tackle those thousand words.

  2. Congratulations on the awards!!

    Thank you for awarding me too. Those new Versatile Blogger and Kreativ Blogger awards are so pretty. :)

    Good luck with the writing today!

  3. Congrats on your awards! Have a terrific weekend!

  4. Thanks so much. Happy writing this weekend. I hope to get some much need progress done myself.

  5. Thank you so much! You made my day brighter!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. Congratulations on all the awards, wow! And thanks for giving me an award, I really appeciate it :)
    Good luck with revisions :)

  7. You're quite deserving of these blogger awards. I appreciate you passing one along to me. That's very kind.

    Also, as Dory from Finding Nemo annoyingly sings, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." Except insert "writing" for "swimming" :-)

  8. Gosh! Thank you. I leave great comments? I do? Awww...I'll share it. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  9. Good Morning Tyrean. Thanks so much for the award! I wish you a wonderful weekend. Maybe the sun will finally shine here on the west coast. : )

  10. Congrats on your blog awards! I'll have to come back and visit some of those awesome bloggers when I have more time.

    And thanks for signing up for the blogfest, putting it in your post and linking Laurel and I in. :D

  11. Thanks for the awards! And thank you for the shout-out to my new site as well. :)

  12. Alex - Thanks! I will . . .after my kids have their hair up, we do homeschool lessons, and . . .

    Cherie - Thanks! and You're Welcome!

    Summer - Thanks! Have an awesome weekend!

    L.G. Smith - You're Welcome! Happy Writing Weekend!

    Joanne - Glad to hear it! Blessings!

    Laura - Thanks!

    Angela - Love Dory's attitude!

    Chris - Thanks!

    Golden Eagle - You're Welcome!

  13. Congratulations! Nothing like a few awards to raise your spirits :)

  14. Glad your day seems to be going better. Thanks for the award!!

  15. All the best for those 1000 words. That's the goal I've set myself today, too.

  16. t stopped by and noted ths right away and forgot to comment! duh!

    thanks, sweetie!

    and congrats to you, well deserved!

  17. Heather - Thanks! And you are so right!

    Allison - You're Welcome!

    Damyanti - Great goal! Did you make it?

    Tara - Thanks! and You're Welcome!

  18. Thank you so much for the awards! I have so many people I want to thank. First of all Tyrean, for bestowing them upon me. And... well... okay, I may have overstated how many people I wanted to thank.

    Congrats, everyone, and Tyrean, I hope your 1,000 words went well. (Here's a little trick to make it easier next time: add pictures. Each one is worth 1,000 words, so you'll be done in no time.)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!