
Friday, April 13, 2012

A to Z: Love

A to Z Challenge

Theme: Creativity Toolbox

L = Love

I love the awesome love of Jesus that has given me the strength and love to love others. I love the sweet love of my husband, but today I want to focus on the love that drives our creative endeavors.

Love isn't just a state of being, it's an action. Love drives us forward when we really want to take a step back. Love is a choice that we make each day when we wake up and find ourselves in love with our creative endeavors again, or when we choose to wake up and love on our creative endeavors even when our projects seem to be at a standstill.

Do you love your creative projects, or choose to love them even when the going gets rough?

Creativity Love Challenge: Take some time today and love on your current creative endeavor. Write, paint, draw, make music. Enjoy!

I apologize for the lateness and hastiness of my post this morning. I woke up with an idea in my head, and wrote for two hours . . .it was a blissful love of writing that got me going today. Yesterday it was more of the working, choosing kind of love for writing that kept me going.


  1. You have to love them no matter what or they'll never see completion. And I've always said real love isn't a feeling, it's an action.

  2. "Take some time today and love on your current creative endeavor."

    Thanks, Tyrean. I will do that. :)

  3. "Love is a choice that we make each day "
    I LOVE that!
    Have an awesome day!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. beautiful words and i did love on my wip today! yeah!

  5. Love is important in writing. I love creating and seeing the characters come alive.

  6. I want to feel the love for my projects today! I think I'll take time to enjoy my writing projects this afternoon instead of feeling like it's a task. Thanks for this post. :)

  7. I love those days where I wake up with ideas and start writing!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!