
Friday, April 6, 2012

A to Z Challenge: Faithfulness

A to Z Challenge

Theme: Creativity Toolbox

F = Faithfulness

Faithfulness in faith, relationships, crafting, and writing pushes us to creativity as we find ways to make the every day stuff meaningful and fun.

Faithfulness to me means that "I'm in" every day. It's beyond just a statement of belief and into a practice of that belief.

Faithfulness is important in the creativity toolbox, because I believe that faithfulness forces us to grow creatively. Writing daily sometimes gets a little boring. So, faithful daily practice can force us to find ways to make it more exciting . . . which ultimately leads to more creativity.

I'll share an example from when my kids were little. They wanted my husband or I to tell them the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears every single night. If you've ever read or told the same story every night, you know that it can get a little stale after a while. So we started to get creative.

We told: Goldilocks and the Three Goldfish who lived in an enchanted stream; Goldilocks and the Stolen Skateboard, Goldilocks meets Sleepy "Beautypants" (pronounced Bootypants by our youngest), and many other variations that made us laugh.

Faithfulness in Writing Exercise:
Write Every Day. When you get bored and start making excuses, change something about the way you write. Write a different genre. Write a scene you've already written with just dialogue or just action. Write a letter to your character. Write at a different time of day. Draw something first and then write over your drawing. Just keep writing.

Faithfulness in faith: God is faithful even when we fail. Turn to him, and find out that he's been there all along. "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8


  1. Tyrean, the word faith is so easy to abide by when things are going well and life is without hiccups...however, it's during the trying times that faithfulness is difficult to come by particularly remaining faithful to God that things WILL be okay...
    great post!

  2. Wonderful advice. I especially liked what you said about staying faithful to creative growth by changing up your routine when you feel bored or stale.

  3. I'm faithful in my blog writing. Don't think I'll ever run out of ideas there!

  4. Tracy - Thanks!

    Cherie - thanks!

    Laurel - yes, sometimes we need to keep moving by shaking up our routines a bit.

    Alex - Great!!!

  5. Great post. Faithfulness is so important in every aspect of life, I think. Thanks for the encouragement in getting back to faithfully writing every day!

  6. Tyrean, be sure to stop by tomorrow!

  7. The faith of a child is what we need.

    A Few Words
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  8. Excellent choice for F. Faith is everything.

  9. What a great word to use for your post! So many different meanings and feelings for lots of different people.


  10. Great F post. Faithfulness is important in all of life's aspects.

  11. Love this! So good...I want to post it on my wall to remind myself every day. :-) Found you over at Alex's place. Nice to meet you!

  12. Lovely word for "F" and one we may sometimes forget, unfortunately - especially in terms of faith. I try not to. You're right about trying out new exercises if you find you can't write. I'm popping in from the A-Z - lovely to meet you :)

  13. Angie - Thanks! I'm so thankful we can inspire each other to "write on" while blogging.

    Alex - Wow! Thanks!

    Arlee- Amen.

    PK - Amen. Faith is everything!

    C.M. - Thanks!

    Medeia - Thank you. Faith is very important.

    Tracy - Wow! Thanks! Nice to meet you too!

    Susan -nice to meet you too!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!