
Saturday, February 4, 2012

C - a week late

C - "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10
She Sparkles:A to Z Memorization Challenge This verse from She Sparkles is a week late . . . sound like a familiar refrain on my blog?

In many ways last week blurred by me at high speed, and in the midst of thinking about story details I forgot life details, blog details, and just details in general. Thankfully, Jesus is my salvation, and God creates in me a new, pure heart, renewing a steadfast spirit with me. And I have some wonderful, forgiving, blogging buddies.

I hope to be back in the swing of blogging next week, and back on my feet and running at high speed through life as well.

BTW - Blogfests are Beautiful, and I'll be involved in three in the next 10 days. Check out the sidebar on the right.


  1. Fortunately God doesn't forget us!
    And yes, there are a lot of events this month.

  2. Some weeks are just like that--gone in an instant! So thankful for the truth of Psalm 51:10. That psalm is one of my favorites.
    Blessings, Tyrean!

  3. Pam - Blessings!

    Karen - Thanks! You too!

  4. I love this verse! Yes sometimes days and days will pass and I feel I have done everything and nothing at the same time!
    Blessings, Joanne


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!