
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week of Blessings

A long time ago, in a blog nearby (this one), I spent a year counting 10 blessings a day, trying to be original or at least specific each day, and I saw a difference in my life, and the way I treated others. My faith grew, my relationships bloomed, and it was sweet.

Lately, I've been thinking I may need to reinstate that challenge in my life, either here on my blog or in one of my journals. Why? Because I've been getting crabbier, and seeing the glass half empty far too often.

I had a good week this last week, but I don't think I realized it until I sat down to count up my blessings and give thanks.

A week of Many Blessings
The Blessing of a Strong Faith Family

The Blessing of Enthusiastic Students - both my own two, and the ones I get to teach at homeschool co-op

The Blessing of walking

The Blessing of fall leaves

The Blessing of wellness

The Blessing of good books

The Blessing of getting my husband to be a book lover - it took 5 years of dating plus 15 years of marreage, and a number of years reading my favorite books aloud to him before he caught the reading bug.

The blessing of making Fried Green Tomatoes just right – on the second try! And they are gluten free, dairy free, and egg free . . . my very own new recipe. (Means: I didn’t measure my amounts exactly so it’s not exactly a recipe that I can share yet. Let’s just say it involved my very own flour mix, with my very own egg replacement that consists of flaxseed, chia seed and water, some Italian seasoning, some mesquite seasoning, pepper, and some salt).

Sharing Fried Green Tomatoes with my parents – and they liked them too! (my husband won’t eat tomatoes, and my kids can’t eat tomatoes, so I’m glad I had someone to share with)

The Blessing of Prayers

The Blessing of Friendship

The Blessing of Family

The Blessing of Deciding that my Rough Draft doesn’t totally suck, and actually much of the latter half is salvageable

The Blessing of 5,000 words of revision on a Saturday morning after a week of “freak-out” revision tactics and feelings

The Blessing of a clean house (cleaned for friends)

The Blessing of Homeschool Buddies

The Blessing of Dance – the footloose, jump around the house kind, and the tap dance-ballet-jazz kind. Both are good.

The Blessing of An Awesome Husband – the Best Man for me – the Sweetest, Most Hard-working guy I know, and the only one I know considering purchasing bike shorts . . .he’s getting serious about his biking these days.

The Blessing of a Clean Dog (or two) . . . seriously not to be under-rated . . . our Beagle Mutt likes to find all sorts of fun stuff to roll in, but now he smells like tea tree oil, mint, and shampoo. Our older dog always smells good . . .she’s such a lady.

The Blessing of French Vanilla Tea, and Red Rose Tea, and Mint Tea, and . . . many types of tea

The Blessing of Laughter, especially a whole family of laughter

The Blessing of Daddies, and their love for their children –so many times this week I’ve been thankful for this – for my Dad, for my Husband, for a few friends of ours, especially a particular Dad friend of ours who held his daughter for the first time in many weeks in the ICU this week. Moms are awesome, but sometimes Dad’s voice is the one we need to hear, and Dad’s arms are the ones we need to have hold us.

The Blessing of meeting new blogging buddies through Pay It Forward Blogfest
and deciding join yet another blogfest - the Halloween Hop - even though I am not a big "monster" fan, I think I might have something I could post that day that I hope will be a little different and fun.

Scripture Blessings:

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. and let us consider how may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:23-24


  1. Glad you persisted in getting your husband to read. I couldn't imagine NOT reading!

  2. "Holding unswervingly to the hope we profess"--just that phrase says so much. Thanks for the post, Tyrean, and for the challenge to count our blessings.

  3. Alex - I know what you mean! I can't imagine not reading for fun either. He used to only read technical manuals - ick! Plus, his mom's ideal book is Sense and Sensibility, and his Dad used to only read Grisham . . . so his idea of reading for fun was either classic lit, or lawyer fiction . . . neither of which suits him. He's a fantasy, sci-fi, adventure fiction lover - just like me, except I actually like some of the classics too. BTW - he read your book and likes it too!

    Pam - Thanks!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sounds awesome!!!! My fried Green tomatoes came out horribly. Glad yours came out great!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. I wish I could get my hubby to read. I cannot imagine a life w/o reading. He will only read if it's news or sports via the computer. Sounds like you had an awesome week. You may want to visit do a weekly thankful list on Thursdays


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!