
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, I love you.

Tuesday, Tuesday, Shoesday, Tuesday . . .

Tuesdays are my real Mondays . . . or at least that's what I like to think. Mondays fall apart just after the weekend, with weariness and busy-ness, and so much to conquer for the week.

Tuesdays sweetly slip by with a relaxed pace. I feel energized, and at peace with my giant checklist of "things to do". I feel like it's all possible (with God in charge).

Tuesdays feel like a comfortable pair of shoes.

Aaaah. Tuesday, I love you.

Tuesdays are the days when I begin/finish projects, and set aside time for the rest to happen throughout the week.

Tuesdays are the days when I don't mind if my writing is sloppy, but if there is a kernel of something good I embrace it.

On many Tuesdays, I actually get to classes/appointments early or on time . . . without painful struggle. If I get someplace on time on a Monday, it usually involves at least mental pain, and some important item being forgotten or lost. My daughters are usually lamenting a lack of sleep, an important item . . . or just something being lost. But on Tuesdays, we get where we are going. If we forget something, somehow it all works out.

Tuesdays are full of grace.

Plus, Tuesdays start with the letter "T" which is my favorite letter in the alphabet. T for tea, and T for Tyrean, and T for terrific. (Mondays are Moody, Tuesdays are Terrific, etc)

Do you have a favorite day of the week?

Scripture Blessings:

"But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it." Ephesians 4:7


  1. I bet most people would not pick Tuesday as their favorite day, but I'm thinking about it. Yes, Tuesdays are pretty good. I get over the craziness of Monday at work and Tuesdays I can breathe and focus. Wednesdays are meetings, Thursdays are crazy. Fridays are trying to finish everything up and weekends go by too fast. I think I could join your Tuesday camp. :0)

    The Write Soil

  2. I used to love Tuesdays as well, but now that's a work day, my new Monday, so I don't care for them so much. My new favorite day is Thursday.

  3. I like Friday nights, because that's movie night, but I'm usually mentally and physically wiped out at that point. Saturdays are probably my favorite. I like Sunday mornings as well, because I'm with my church family.

  4. Dawn - Welcome to the Tuesday club!

    Karen - I understand. The day we start work is usually not our favorite.

    Alex - I love Sundays too! and I used to love Friday nights . . . but usually I'm pretty tired out from the week on Friday nights.

  5. no, I don't have a favorite day. All days are pretty much the same to me.....


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!