
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sparkfest: Doomed to be a Writer

Sparkfest re-post?! Believe it or not, the month of July was so crazy with busy-ness and sick kids that I actually thought the sparkfest started on July 22nd - I literally was a month early when I first posted "Doomed to be a writer". Considering that I am usually 15 minutes late to everything, and hope to be late to my funeral . . .well, it was interesting timing for me. Kind of embarassing really. Anyway, here it is again. Doomed to be a writer -

Sparkfest is an awesome Blogfest hosted by Christine Tyler at The Writer Coaster

We get a choice of three questions, or the wonderful random choice of making up a little bit of our own idea and mixing it with the theme . . . which is more the way I write already.

So, I thought about the question: which book made you realize you were doomed to be a writer?

And I have to say . . . all of them. Really, every book I read makes me realize that I'm doomed to be a writer. Whether I love the books I read, or strongly dislike them to the point of barely restraining myself from the urge to throw them across the room . . . I still come away wanting to write. And I love reading. I read like I breathe. I read fiction all the time, and non-fiction every day in smaller doses. Every time I put a book down, I am filled with the compelling urge to write, and write, and write again.

Sometimes the perfect, sweet, wow, amazing, incredible books fill me with a bittersweet hope that I will write like that someday.

Sometimes the awful, disgusting beyond belief, yuck, crummy, no-way-would-the-heroine-be-that-naive books fill me with the need to write a better story.

I can't remember the first book that made me realize that I'm doomed and blessed to be a writer, but each time I read I feel the need for paper and pen, or keyboard and screen.

If you haven't joined Sparkfest - go and sign up. Or just add your thoughts to the comment section - what book (s) fill you with the urge to write?

Scripture Blessings:
"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Genesis 1:3


  1. Yay for all books! There might be certain ones that are brighter, but you're right. All books can ignite that spark and keep it going. :)

  2. Hi from a fellow Sparkfester! You know, I like that you mentioned the way that books you absolutely hated can inspire you just because you KNOW you can do it better! LOL.... Nice job! :-)

  3. Alex - exactly!

    Cherie - I completely agree.

    Crystal - Thanks! and great to meet you!

  4. Hi Tyrean,

    Found ya through the Sparkfest listing. You're so right! Even though I have my favorites, I think every single book I read influences me in some way.

  5. It's embarrassing to admit how many crummy books contributed to me wanting to write something to defeat it. Haha, love it.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!