
Friday, August 12, 2011


Hunger. 12 million people. Thirst. Pain. Death.

It's hard to imagine the scale of painful suffering that is taking place right now in the Horn of Africa. As we sit in our comfortable homes, sip on our expensive coffees, and drive our gas-guzzling cars, there are chilren and adults dying of hunger.

What can we do?

We can pray.

We can give.

We can change our lifestyles to free up our finances so we can give more freely.

Do we need all the stuff we buy ourselves?
Do we need that cup of coffee, or that bottle of soda?

How do we live a regular life while people are dying?
Are we turning a blind eye to the suffering?

Please understand, these are questions I am asking myself, and I hope that you consider them too.

For more information about giving through World Vision, an organization with a record of responsibility, please follow this link World Vision and Horn of Africa or watch the video.


  1. There's a lot we have that we don't really need...

  2. We are so fortuanate here. The poorest here would probably be rich there. we have to help we need to help. I have to help.
    Blessings, Joanne


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!