
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Blessings, 365 Days of Blessings Day 322

Sunday Blessings, 365 Days of Blessings Day 322
Taking a break from the A to Z Challenge today, to just give thanks for some Sunday blessings . . . and a few random blessings too.

1.Started the day reviewing the Order of Worship for Palm Sunday worship. I can’t be there today, but I’ve been worshiping with those scriptures and songs in my head all week.

2.Palms for palm Sunday.

3.The encouragement and enthusiasm of our congregation for celebrating Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem with whatever we can find . . . I thought I had a Palm Branch “emergency” and everyone found a way to help, or give ideas for making the day a celebration.


5.Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty!

6.Reading Matthew 21:1-11.

7.Heart of Worship.

8.In Christ Alone.

9.Communion with family, with all the people of God throughout all time and with Christ.

10.Ate my new favorite Banana Nut Muffins – gluten free, egg, free dairy free, corn free, rice free, soy free, homemade – this morning. When I can make substitutes work and the recipes turn out, I am extremely thankful for my tastebuds.

11.Friends from our dance studio saved me a seat in the “mini” room at the dance convention.

12.My youngest daughter is starting her day learning choreography from a choreographer who has choreographed for Britney Spears and others. I have to admit, I’m not fond everything in those videos, but he’s doing a great job with over a hundred kids aged 6-10 in a convention room. They are having fun, and learning exciting choreography that is appropriate to their age group.

13.And just as important, my youngest daughter just told me, “I really like him as a teacher!”

14.My oldest daughter is past her awkward growing stage (last year) and now is so beautiful as a dancer that it brings tears to my eyes. She’s just beautiful as a person anyway, but when she dances it’s like she’s fully alive.

15.My youngest daughter who did not like Hip Hop at our last convention is loving Hip Hop at this one, and doing a great job!

16.The tap teacher is keeping them moving!

17.My daughters are determined to stay to the end of convention despite collecting bruises on their legs from other dancers, and their own tap shoes – double click heels in the air can be dangerous.

18.A new salad for lunch today – yummy, and homemade. Let’s hope I remember those ingredients: lettuce, quinoa, turkey, apple chunks topped with homemade honey mustard dressing.

19.Billy Bell, a dancer and dance teacher, was a highlight at JumpDance Convention. My youngest really appreciated him as a teacher . . . and she didn’t know he was famous until afterwards.

20. Billy Bell Solo - This one doesn't even come close to the one he did today for Jump Convention, but it gives an idea of his style and skill as a dancer.

Scripture Blessings:
"A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

'Hosanna to the Son of David!'

'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!'

'Hosanna in the highest heaven!'"
Matthew 21:8-9


  1. I was away from home on the weekend and I visited a church where they mentioned Palm Sunday at the beginning of the service and that was it! There was no handing out of palm crosses or waving of palm fronds or any kind of processing...
    Luckily for me I teach at a Christian school and before we broke up for holidays we had ALL the Easter services in one week! (Mon=Palm Sunday; Tues=Maundy Thursday; Wed=Good Friday; Thurs=Easter Sunday) And MAN was our Palm Sunday a joyful celebration!

  2. Wonderful post. Thanks, Tyrean!

  3. Rachel - that would be odd - not having palm branches. Glad you were able to celebrate anyway!

    Angie - Thanks!!!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!