
Thursday, November 11, 2010

365 Days of Blessings, Days 165 and 166

Counting my Blessings and Giving Thanks and Praise for:

1. Story writing with kids. Ideas bound across the page with live action and hints of mystery.

2. Putting a roasted dinner in the oven, and knowing I don't have to do anything more for dinner for at least an hour.

3. Friendship.

4. Dogs who jump.

5. Cats who sleep on rainy days.

6. Pecans.

7. The smell of pumpkin soup.

8. Plans for a harvest stew.

9. Band Angels . . . Band Aids with words of comfort from God's Word.

10. Celebrating my youngest daughter's baptismal birthday with a candlelit breakfast, and a song.

11. Praying with my kids for the swift recovery and complete healing for a young girl we know and love.

12. Learning a little Latin.

13. Playing with the snippets of language I know with my girls. We can say hello in at least six languages. I'm not sure we would survive if more words were required of us, but saying hello is fun when you are saying it in German, Japanese, Latin, French, Spanish, and Hawaiin. Oh, and sign language too.

14. Remembering more French that I think I should after many, many years away from practicing it.

15. My youngest knows how to say John 3:16 in sign language.

16. Practicing the sign for "Hallelujah" in the car sitting at a stoplight, and then realizing how it might look to other drivers :-O :-)

17. An amazing woman I know who keeps it all together, homeschools her kids, takes care of kids whose parents need a break, prepares for in-laws, has friends over, and keeps her household running smoothly - all at the same time. BTW, this is not me.

18. I finished the base word count for NaNoWriMo today. However, after being behind for at least 3 days, or is it 4, I need to write just a bit more each day.

19. Silly bands found at a Christian bookstore.

20. The light of Christ.

Scripture Blessings:

"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6


  1. Awesome stuff! I've never had pumpkin soup and always wanted to learn latin.

    I'm thankful that I finished NaNo and my novel yesterday!

  2. Sign language can be really useful. I used to know the alphabet . . . but I forgot it. :P

  3. Pumpkin soup is sweet, and sign language is fun to use, and useful in "quiet" places.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!