
Monday, June 28, 2010

365 Days of Blessings - Day 30

365 Days of Blessings, Day 30

1. The Freedom to Worship the Lord!

2. My oldest daughter had a wonderful time at her first Middle School Youth group event at our church. They played lots of games, went to play laser tag and see Toy Story 3, and then played more games. They stayed up late, and woke up early to prepare a slide show skit for the Children's message at worship. We are so thankful that our congregation is blessed with a dedicated, wonderful Middle School leader.

The funny thing is that although my daughter was excited about going, she knew they were going to do some Bible study and devotions and thought they were going to be doing more of that, and less of the game playing. She said to me yesterday, "It was even more fun than I thought it was going to be!" I'm glad for that, because she needs those fun moments. She studies her Bible every night at bed-time without me asking her or prompting her. I am so thankful that the Lord is actively shaping her life, and I'm glad she can know the joy of fun fellowship with Christian kids and leaders.

3. I survived another moment of realizing that my "baby" is growing up.

4. I'm thankful that although my daughter was hesitant to hug me goodbye on Saturday night, on Sunday morning after the sleepover, she ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

5. A wonderful children's message yesterday morning at worship, hosted by the Pastor, the Middle School Youth leader, and the Middle School kids.

6. Anticipating VBS!

7. Anticipating Vacation!!!

8. Driving to the Spotlight National Dance Competition held in Seaside, Oregon - in less than two hours!!!

9. Having a good time with my youngest daughter, while my oldest was at her youth group event. We talked, went to see Toy Story 3 with Daddy, and just enjoyed being together.

10. My husband's help in preparing for this two day trip he can't take with us, because he is filling in for his boss at work. He is so thoughtful, and loving. My daughters are blessed to have him as a Dad, and I'm blessed to have him as my husband. Thank you Lord!

Bonus three: 1. A beautiful solo sung at worship yesterday. 2. The spirit of God working among the people of our congregation at a congregational meeting yesterday concerning our church budget. 3. A softball team that stays positive and loving, even in defeat. We have wonderful young man on our team that keeps us going with scripture, prayer and team cheers. He is a huge blessing to us.

And three Birthday Blessings: My mom is 69! My niece Stephanie is 20! My nephew Jacob is 16! Birthday Blessings to them all!

Psalm 9:1-2
"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise you your name,
O Most High."


  1. Sounds like you are having a busy, blessed and fun summer. That's great. I hope you have a good trip!

  2. Your daughter sounds very mature. How wonderful! I am blessed this week with various family members popping in and out. I love it!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!