
Thursday, May 13, 2010


Plans don't always turn out like I think they should.

We planned to be in Portland for three nights and four days this week.
We stayed one night and one very full day.

We planned meals for our Portland trip, because of our food allergies.
In haste I didn't put ice in the cooler, forgot, and the bread I made went moldy overnight in a warm parking lot.

We planned to take our niece with us to Powell's City of Books aka the Largest Bookstore in the World.
We went first thing in the morning, and through miscommunication, misdirection, and foolishness, didn't see her until we had dinner with her last night.

Our plans changed. So we made more.

I planned to be sitting in a medical office this morning.
Now I'm sitting in a wonderful little coffee shop.

I planned to write fiction for an hour.
I found free Wi-Fi, fiddled around on facebook, and now I'm writing a blog.

I planned to read my Bible this morning first.
I read a section of Run With The Horses by Eugene H. Peterson, and then Jeremiah 17 in my Bible.

At the coffee shop, I planned to sit by myself.
I found a spot at a table across from a college student.

I planned to mind my own business.
I soaked up the atmosphered, the smells, the taste of my tea, the title of my table-mate's portfolio, and snippets of joyful conversation instead.

I planned to concentrate.
Instead, I drifted.

So why? Why do my plans go awry?
Because I didn't give them to God first, and ask for His blessing?
According to some Biblical wisdom offered up at a daily calendar at the coffee shop, that would be the right answer, and I think it has some merit.

"Have you ever considered that the Lord can cause any storm in your life to blow you to the place where He intends for you to arrive?" - God's Way Day by Day by George F. Stanley - found at the coffee shop.

"We enter a world we didn't create. We grow into life already provided for us. We must be aware that we are living in the middle of a story that was begun and concluded by another. And this other is God." - Eugene H. Peterson, Run With The Horses

"If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:15


  1. I love this post, Tyrean! I think whatever our plans are, we must always be willing to "Relax into things, exactly as they are." We never know where God plans to take us, but I wouldn't want to go anywhere else! :-)

  2. Cool post! I love that verse in James, esp. because we forget so often! Sounds like everything turned out good for you. :-)

  3. Alena,

    I agree - I wouldn't want to go anywhere without God.

    Thanks, and mostly everything is going well. My hubby is having some strange symptoms we haven't figured out yet. Hopefully we'll get some answers soon. I was just thankful that I got to spend my time waiting for him in a coffee shop and not in a waiting room - even though the waiting room was pleasant, it's hard to think in waiting rooms.

  4. "A man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps..." :) Pv 16:9
    The great thing is a lot times having our plans interupted works out for the better. :)
    Great post, Tyrean.

  5. I like what Emily said. I know that I need to learn to go with the flow better, and to pray at the start of each day for my steps to be ordered aright.

  6. Great verse Emily! Thanks!
    Blessings to you too Karen and everyone!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!