

 As a writer, I love writing short stories, poems, and short scripts. These short works help me work through ideas, enjoy story sparks without turning every idea into a novel series, and become a place for me to work on my writing craft in short amounts. Short works are often something I can accomplish in a break between other large works, or waiting in line at the grocery store. If you like reading short fiction, poems, or short non-fiction articles, please feel free to browse for links to my work, and some free samples of my work. 

On Pointe: Five Hint Fiction Stories at Nail Polish Stories, January 2022.

Saturday Sisters on Zoom at The Drabble, July 2021.

Angles of Light - A Trio of Skinny Poems at the Drabble. July 2021.

Two Skinny Poems at Creative Colloquy, June 2021.

Death and Daffodils at Creative Colloquy, March 2021.

Winter's End at the Skinny Poetry Journal, December 2020.

Times Were Different Then, The Drabble, November 2020. 

"The Names We Give." Creative Colloquy. November 17, 2020. Or is this non-fiction?

Sundays. Nail Polish Stories. October 2020.

Fearless. Nail Polish Stories. October 2020.

Topless and Barefoot. Nail Polish Stories. October 2020.

Tacks Between Us, The Drabble. July 2020. 

Help Wanted: Code Gray. Creative Colloquy. April 20, 2020.

A Companion for the Journey. Creative Colloquy. March 16, 2020.

Seven Hint Fiction Stories. Nail Polish Stories. July 2019.
Vampire State Building
Vampire State Building, Take 2
Kiss Me at Midnight
Kiss Me at Midnight, Take 2
Crown Me Already
Pretzel My Buttons
Love Affair in Times Square

"My Father's Eyes." The Drabble. March 22, 2019. (Story or prose poem?)

Change. A Story in 100 Words. February 15, 2019.

Breakfast in Red. Best of Nail Polish Stories 2018. January 4, 2019.

Storytime. 50-Word Stories. April 28, 2018.

Espresso Your Style. Nail Polish Stories. January 2018.
Sashay My Way. Nail Polish Stories. January 2018.
Scaredy Matte. Nail Polish Stories. January 2018.
Dating a Royal. Nail Polish Stories. January. 2018.
I'm Not Really a Waitress. Nail Polish Stories. January 2018.
Breakfast in Red. Nail Polish Stories. January 2018.

"Summer" at Memoir Mixtapes/B-side online. December 8, 2017.

"Post-Apocalyptic Gardener" at The Drabble. July 15, 2017.

"At The Lake" at A Story in 100 Words. July 3, 2017.

"Old Roses and Failing Eyesight" at Friday Flash Fiction. June 23, 2017.

of Fate Five Part Series at Seven By Twenty. May 1-5, 2017.
Part 1: Fairy Magic
Part 2: The Prince
Part 3: Midnight
Part 4: Wishes
Part 5: The Tree

"Of Words and Swords" in the 2017 IWSG Anthology: Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life. May 2017.

"Here There Be Dragons" in Book Dreams: Brain to Books Anthology 1. April 2017.

"Hothouse" at Outposts of Beyond. April 2017.

Fangirl. Nail Polish Stories. April 2017.
Don't Sweater It. Nail Polish Stories. April 2017.
Don't Let the Dead Bite. Nail Polish Stories. April 2017.
For Audrey. Nail Polish Stories. April 2017.
Shattered Souls. Nail Polish Stories. April 2017.

"New Answers" in The Crawl Space Journal Issue Two. March 15th, 2017.

"My Hope" at Short Tale 100. March 2017. 

"Need Sunglasses?" in the BEST of 2016 Nail Polish Stories issue. 12/31/2016.

"I Am Patient" at Vine Leaves Literary Journal.  11/18/2016.

"Rain Vigil" at A Story in 100 Words. 11/12/2016.

"Sorrowing Rain" - Seven x Twenty. 2016.
"Rain Blanket"
"Wind Walker"
"Swim Lessons."

"Guidance Counseling." The Drabble. 11/5/2016.

"Show Me the Ring" at Nail Polish Stories. 10/3/2016. 

"Shadow Magic" at Aurora WolfAugust 1st, 2016. 

"The Fence" at The Drabble. July 24th, 2016. (Beware: story content centers on abuse.)
"Good Enough" at The Drabble. July 7th, 2016. (Beware: this is a story commentary on rape culture.)

"Spikes" at Seven by Twenty. July 2016.
"Floppy Sunhat" at Seven by Twenty. July 2016.
"From Heat to Final" at Seven by Twenty. July 2016.
"Racing" at Seven by Twenty. July 2016. 
"Races End" at Seven by Twenty. July 2016.

"The Shimmer" at Between Worlds Zine. July 2016. 

"Need Sunglasses" at Nail Polish Stories. April 2016.
"Ahead of the Game" at Nail Polish Stories. April 2016.
"Hopelessly in Love" at Nail Polish Stories. April 2016.
"French Affair" at Nail Polish Stories. April 2016.
"Wicked" at Nail Polish Stories. April 2016.

"Kissing Boys" at The Drabble. Dec. 14th. 2015.

"Crumbs on a Plate" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.
"Cold" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.
"Talk Peace" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.
"Bargain" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.
"The In-Laws" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.
"True Treasure" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.
"Point of View" at Espresso Stories. December 2nd, 2015.

"New Life" at Espresso Stories.Sent Sept. 2015.

"Seared Bronze" at Nail Polish. October 2015.
"Pyro Pink" at Nail Polish Stories. October 2015.

"The Tail of a Star." at 7x20. September 25th, 2015.
"The Candlewick" at 7x20. September 24th, 2015.
"Fall Resolutions" at 7x20. September 23rd, 2015.
"Ghost Pepper Salt" at 7x20. September 22nd, 2015.
"Bare Branches Remember" at 7x20. September 21st, 2015.

"Victim" at The Drabble. August 9th, 2015.

"Haunted by Reality" at Espresso Stories. Aug. 9th, 2015.
"Conversations Through Time" at Espresso Stories. Aug. 9th, 2015.

"Sidekicks Anonymous"  at 7x20, twitter fiction, July 24th, 2015.

"Enough Time" at 7x20, twitter fiction, July 24th, 2015.

"Extra Long Cape" at 7x20, twitter fiction. July 22nd, 2015.

"Watch Out, Slow Sidekick" at 7x20, twitter fiction. July 22nd, 2015.

"Shame" at Espresso Stories. July 12th, 2015.
"Siren's Kiss" at Espresso Stories. July 10th, 2015.
"Major Tom" at Espresso Stories. June 29, 2015.

"Pink" at Imaginate. June 2015.

"Suburban Spring" at Espresso Stories April 2, 2015.

"My Dad's Instructions" at Espresso Stories April 2, 2015.

"The Biggest Waterslide" at Brilliant Flash Fiction. March 2015.

"Ocean's Promise" at Espresso Stories. February 2015.

"Tone Deaf" at Espresso Stories. February 2015.

Five Twitter Fiction stories @7x20

Also, given a one day feature at the SevenbyTwenty blog

"She laughs." Jan. 26, 2015 twitter story.

"multilevel traffic." Jan. 27, 2015 twitter story.

"Barely wrapped." Jan. 28, 2015 twitter story.

"Bested by beauty, brawn & brains." Jan. 29, 2015 twitter story.

"Magic swirled." Jan. 30, 2015 twitter story.

"Okay is Enough." Brilliant Flash Fiction. January 4, 2015.

"Life is Good." Brilliant Flash Fiction: Life is Good Contest. January 2015.

January and February, five stories at


"Story Addict"

"Enough to Do"

"At the Edge"

"Ruby Red" 

"The Horse in the Well" is a quick re-pub of a short story originally published here on my blog, and is a re-telling of a story my grandma Pearl used to tell me. This story, and the reason for it, are enclosed, and it is all meant to honor my grandma Pearl and the storytellers in my family.

"The Bridge Snap" is a quick re-pub of a story originally found in Sunday Snaps: The Stories in 2013.
Is Elayn looking for the perfect picture, or the perfect guy? She isn't too sure herself. When she agrees to meet another photographer whose work she admires, will she find a picture worthy moment, or will she make a fool of herself like usual? 

"Seedling" is a quick re-pub of a flash fiction story that went live at Brilliant Flash Fiction in June 2014.
Dunnie has a secret: a power inside him that's gone wrong in the past. When it's time to introduce himself to a new teacher, what will he say? And, will his classmates ever accept the truth? 

"Big Money" - again, but this time for the Best of 2014 at Nail Polish Stories! Dec. 30th, 2014.
"Doors Open for Dessert" at Espresso Stories. December 2014.
"Red Carpet, Take 1" and "Red Carpet, Take 2" at Nail Polish Stories. October 2014.
"Cloud Download." Espresso Stories. October, 2014.
"Seedling." Brilliant Flash Fiction. June, 2014.
"Big Money." Nail Polish Stories. April 7th, 2014.
"Green Planet." Every Day Poets. March 12th, 2014. 
"Robot Sonnet." Bewildering Stories, Issue 558. January 2014.

Enough to Do at Every Day Fiction March 30, 2010. (Short Story: Action Fantasy)

 Dragonfold at Mindflights 2008. (Short Story: Fantasy)

"War, Inc." New Voices IV: A Commercial Fiction Anthology. Ed. Pamela R. Goodfellow. Goodfellow Press, 2001. 64-72. (Novel Excerpt: Science Fiction)

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