
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

IWSG, Comic Con, and News


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Find more information at the website: Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

The awesome co-hosts for the March 6 posting of the IWSG are Kristina Kelly,Miffie Seideman,Jean Davis, and Liza @ Middle Passages!

March 6th question: Have you "played" with AI to write those nasty synopses, or do you refuse to go that route? How do you feel about AI's impact on creative writing?

To the first question, yes, I have played with AI to write a synopses, with mixed results. I don’t feel guilty about using AI for ad copy of various kinds because this kind of writing is short, necessary, and not something I am good at. I still have to revise everything - so this is not without work.

For the second part of the question, I think AI has already had an impact on creative writing, when we consider the use of grammar programs. Creative writing includes the joy of knowing the rules and knowing when to break them. AI doesn’t feel joy, or sorrow, or any other emotion. Only humans do. I maintain that this will always be what makes human powered creativity full of depth.


An Emerald City Comic Con Reflection

Massive, fun, interesting, overwhelming, frustrating, joyful, and full - these are just a few words to sum up my experience at Emerald City Comic Con last weekend, from Thursday through Sunday.

Authors from left to right: Peter V. Brett, Saara El-Arifi, Django Wexler, Katherine Arden, Terry Brooks, and moderator Madeleine Roux.

It was my first ECCC, and I loved the panels with writers they had for the literary track. I didn’t get to meet, but at least did get to see, Terry Brooks (Shannara, Magic Kingdom for Sale).

Authors: Jasmine Skye and Marissa Meyer on the Battle of the Tropes panel. (Yes, I wish I had a better picture.)

I finally met Marissa Meyer (Cinder, Renegades, and more) and she was also on two panels and a spotlight session I attended. Friday was my best day at the con, when I managed to go to three panels, a spotlight, and a class on fighting in fiction.

Left to right: Moderator, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, and John Rhys-Davies

Saturday was the day I only really made one event - the Lord of the Rings event on the main stage, which meant I had to stand in line for two hours. Lines were mismanaged and there were three rows of empty seats in the main stage area, which seats around 5000 people, but even with that, there wasn’t a way for everyone into that area. The crowd of 85,000 people were decked out in awesome cosplay, enthusiastic, and sweet, but I felt overwhelmed, and went home a bit early.

Sunday, in line, and taking photos with a few cosplayers. My friend has been to a number of comic cons before and knows how to pose. :)

On Sunday, my friend and I decided we wanted to meet Sean Astin (Goonies, LoTR, more) for an autograph and so we did that. This meant standing in line for hours, but we met some really nice people who we chatted with about various books, movies, and shows. I managed to sell an audio version of Liftoff and get a pre-order for Dark Blade: Forged, just by talking about writing, which was cool. When we met Sean Astin for the quick autograph session, he was kind and humble - talking about how wonderful the rest of the LoTR cast is and how he never expected so many fans would want to meet him. Then, we wandered through the merch tables, and they announced closing time. Where did the time go?


I will be on four panels at Norwescon, March 28-31! This event includes cosplay, panels, interviews, merch, and the Philip K. Dick awards. The panels are: “I Wrote a Song for My Story!” with Amanda Cherry, Metaerie, and Karen Eisenbrey; “Developing Strong Teen Characters” with Lish McBride, Kara Swanson, Karen Eisenbrey, and Anastasia Wilde; “Worldbuilding: The Burden of Being God” with Brenda Carre, Sandra Rosner, Thea Prieto, Lish McBride, and Kate Alice Marshall’ and “Short Stories vs Novels” with Camden Rose, Karen Eisenbrey, Tom D. Wright, and Kendare Blake. I’m excited to be a part of Norwescon this year!

I’m in the revision cave for a project and I will have news about it next month, I hope.

Are you looking for a #free, clean fantasy or scifi read? Check out this Book Funnel with over 70 authors and 80 books! This is only running until March 17th.

I have a book in The Galactic Mystery Bundle, curated by Simon Kewin! You can find out more at the Storybundle Website, but just to note, this sale is on for only two more weeks.