
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

IWSG July 2022, Fictional Worlds, TikTok, Branding, and Events


Insecure Writer's Support Group

A resource site and support group for writers and authors. Featuring weekly guests and tips, a monthly blogfest gathering, a Facebook group, a book club, and thousands of links – all to benefit writers! #IWSG

Website / Facebook Group / Twitter / Book Club

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!

Founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh with the awesome co-hosts for the July 6 posting of the IWSG are J Lenni Dorner, Janet Alcorn, PJ Colando, Jenni Enzor, and Diane Burton!

July 6 Optional Question - If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?


If I lived in a fictional world, I would have a hard time choosing between Narnia, Middle Earth, Aramatir from The Champion Trilogy, or the alternate Earth in my Rayatana Series. I love world-building, even if I keep some of the details back to myself and struggle to know how much is enough. 

For now, I live here, and I do my best to live life well and fully. 
This means, going to the gym, eating healthier than I was, taking bike rides, reading good books, writing books (hopefully good ones), worship, prayer, travel, volunteering, teaching, family and friend time, music, and more.

Something New These Days

I'm on TikTok these days, something I thought I would "never ever" do, and I'm actually liking it. Did I admit to that? Yes. There it is.

Has it been a good marketing tool? It's a little early to tell, since I started it a few weeks ago. I do know more about Tik Tok now, like it's a good idea to follow certain hashtags and accounts to stay away from some of the garbage on there - because, yes, there are some icky things on Tik Tok as well as the good things.

The best "click-rate" for marketing for June came from an ad I pinned to the top of my page on Instagram for the month. I'm hoping I can utilize both IG and TikTok more effectively together. 

So, why did I go on TikTok when I said I "never" would? 
I write YA fantasy and science fiction. 
There's a YA #booktok community, and some pretty active YA Fantasy and YA Scifi #booktokers as well as those on Instagram. 

I am giving it a 100-day trial to see how it goes. I'll try to remember to recircle back to this and review my experience in October.

Branding Reflection, Again

I've been working on pinning down my main themes, my universal fantasy areas in my books, my often-used tropes, and my joys in writing to create an easier-to-understand platform. 
I don't think I'll ever have a good one-liner this is "all of who I am" kind of brand, unless lightning strikes me with it, but for now, I know I work with doubt/fear vs. courage as an often-used theme, chosen one and chosen one with a team kind of tropes, and I enjoy writing imaginative adventures with faith and reflection. 
I also enjoy helping other writers to hone their craft and overcome the blank page or muddy middles. 
Hmm. Anyway, still keep thinking on this. 
And, I still love my new logo created by MiblArt

Upcoming Events/Activities

Gig Harbor Senior Center Author Talk July 6th.

Gig Harbor Art Fair Local Author table July 16th-17th.

Attending Realm Makers in Atlantic City July 20-24th.
This is my first time at Realm Makers, so I'm going as an attendee. If you're coming, let's hang out!

Books and BBQ at BBQ2U's Author Table August 15-21st.

Teaching a class at the Write in the Harbor 2022 Conference November 4-5.

Teaching College Prep English at Harbor Christian Homeschool Cooperative for the 2022-2023 school year.

Sign up HERE if you would like to read some super short fiction or poetry and get more updates in my newsletter. 

Also, for now I'm double-posting here and on Tyrean's Tales although this site is the only site I have signed up for IWSG. I'm trying to figure out which is more effective.