
Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving All Around


A while back, I challenged myself to keep a daily log of 101 Days of Gratitude to end 2020 and enter 2021 with a more faith-filled, centered on thanksgiving mindset.

It's been a challenge. More than I expected. Originally, I meant to post about it every day. I've skipped a few days on social media, but I have posted many times on Instagram and Facebook. Sometimes, the challenge was finding pictures to fit my Thanksgiving, and sometimes, I just struggled with my attitude. It depended on the day.

Yet, as I have turned my mental landscape more towards thanksgiving, I have found more and more reasons to give thanks. Here are 26 reasons I can think of today:

A - Anna, one of my daughters.

B - Blogger buddies who have encouraged me to grow in my writing and who have hosted me at their blogs for my recent book launch!

C - Clyde, my dog. He's snoring next to me as I write.

D - Dads, specifically my dad, for his love and steadiness this year and every day.

E - Emily, my cat. She came to us pre-named, and she is a purring delight, even as she ages a bit.

F - Family. 

G - God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

H - Help with health stuff. I am currently going to PT for Achilles Tendonitis and I'm thankful for my PT and my current doc.

I - Inklings and ideas. Sometimes I have too many. On the days I feel dry, I have a file. :)

J - John, my husband.

K - Kindness. I've experienced, seen it, and I hope to act on it. 

L - Love. Seems simple, but it isn't. It's complicated and can mean so many things, but it's always good to love and be loved.

M - Moms, my mom, and being a mom. I never expected to love being a mom as much as I do.

N - Naps. I take them. Not every day, but every once in a while they really help me get back to speed for the afternoon.

O - Octopi. I know this seems random, and it kind of is, but I live near the Puget Sound (visible in winter if I stand on the roof of my house - which I usually don't), and the sound has several protected areas for Giant Pacific Octopi, which can get up to 150 pounds. with an arm span of 20 feet. Although I've never seen one outside of an aquarium, I think they are really cool. 

P - Pastors. My church has two good ones. I've had some as friends over the years. They are unique people who truly love others in God's name.

Q - Questions. Questions help me dig into my story ideas and characters. 

R - Rest. Didn't I already say "nap"? Yes, I did. Rest is good, and it doesn't have to mean sleeping. Rest can be comprised of any kind of activity that renews us.

S - Saturday morning Bible study on Zoom with sisters in Christ.

T - Trisha, one of my daughters.

U - Uniqueness. I believe every single person on the planet is unique, and has something unique to offer to the world.

V - Ventures of the imagination. :)

W - Wildlife. I may groan about the deer who eat all the flowers - I don't have roses anymore - but I enjoy hearing our local owl hoot and the pileated woodpeckers rattling away at a tree for food. When the coyotes take up their howl in the back yard, it's still really cool as long as the cat and dog are inside. They keep the resident rabbit, fox, and racoon population under control while the owl deals with the mice. I think they may have eaten an older cat I had long ago, but it's been ten years, so I mostly forgive them. It's probably a different pack at this point. They keep us alert to the presence of wildness in our world, and I think that's a good thing.

X - Xanthum Gum. It's used with gluten-free flours as a thickener and stabilizer. My daughters and I have healed/changed from many of our food issues. Our early diagnosis of gluten intolerance was either wrong or our gut bacteria changed and healed so we can have gluten, but I am thankful for knowing this source of alternative thickener in baking and gravy-making. 

Y - Yumminess coming on Thanksgiving. We can't gather all together as a family, but we will each eat some yummy food.

Z - Zoom. I use it at least four days a week, and it has certainly helped in all of this crazy CoVID stuff.

Can you think of 26 things to be thankful for today? I challenge you to take an A to Z Thanksgiving Challenge with your family or on your own. See if you can come up with 26, or 52, or more things to be thankful for.

And, I am super thankful for all the help for my book launch! Thank you, all!

I'm glad I was able to finish and publish Liftoff this year and I'm looking forward to revising book 2 for the Rayatana novella series soon.

If you haven't picked up a copy yet, it's a fast read, perfect for Thanksgiving weekend. :)

Title: Liftoff

Subtitle: The Rayatana Series, Book 1

A spaceship in disguise,

An Earth girl searching for a sense of home,

And a Thousand Years’ War between alien races,

All collide on a summer afternoon.

An old movie theater welcomes Amaya in and wraps her up in the smell of popcorn and licorice. But one sunny afternoon during a matinee, the movie screen goes dark. The theater rumbles.

Amaya gets trapped in the middle of an ancient alien conflict. Angry and frightened, Amaya entangles herself in a life-changing cultural misunderstanding with Sol, a young alien who keeps omitting key information, even while they’re on the run from his enemies.

What will it take to survive a battle between alien races involved in an ancient war?

Liftoff is a fast-paced read for fans of Code 8, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Cobra Kai.

Release Date: November 10, 2020

Paperback ISBN:  978-0-9889933-8-9

Ebook ISBN:  978-0-9889933-9-6

Copyright Tyrean Martinson November 2020

Publisher: Wings of Light Publishing, Gig Harbor, WA, USA

Professionally Edited by Chrys Fey

Cover Art and Interior Design by Carrie Butler

LINKS: Kindle       Apple               Kobo               Smashwords                Bookbub         Goodreads

Monday, November 16, 2020

An Interview with Fantasy Author Elle Cardy to Celebrate Well of Ash and the Liftoff Blog Book Tour Continues!



Well of Ash by Elle Cardy

If the whispers call your name, run!

Seventeen-year-old Ashina has more in common with an untamed fire lizard than the people who are supposed to be her new family. After running away, she’s drawn to the city’s mysterious Great Well. No one knows who built them across the world or why. To linger near makes the skin crawl and the mind drift in nightmares. And yet this one calls to Ash in whispers that pull her closer.

Despite the warnings from a handsome stranger with gorgeous eyes, Ash searches for answers in dangerous places. Soon she’s caught in a tangle of peculiar events she can’t explain or escape. When both her sanity and life are threatened, she realizes she has more to lose than she thought. Ash must find the answers before she loses everything she holds dear.

If you like dragons, magic, and a fierce heroine with a wounded heart, then you’ll love Well of Ash, a YA Fantasy novella by Elle Cardy. Jump in today to unravel the secrets.

Available now as an ebook and paperback on Amazon.

OR, for a limited time, pick up a free copy when you join Elle’s VIP newsletter club.

Thanks, Tyrean for having me. I’ll dive right into the interview questions:

Interview with Elle Cardy

1. Tell us about yourself. (like what you do for a living, hobbies, etc.)

I used to create art and do 3D animation for a living, but now I write full time. Best job in the world! My hobbies include photography, anything creative, and eating chocolate—that’s a hobby, right? I’m also a full-time geek and part-time gamer. I grew up in Sydney and moved north to sub-tropical Brisbane four years ago. I’m still not used to shops opening late at 9 or 10am, but it has forced me to slow down and chill out.

2. What is your writing process? (A special place or how you outline, or do you just jump into it. Or, what you need before you sit down to write: coffee, tea, cookies)

This is a difficult question to nail down because each book has been different. Wielder’s Prize, my debut YA fantasy, was halfway written without an outline and I typed it directly onto my laptop as I sat on the couch. I got to a point where I needed to map out the story on a whiteboard and outline the rest to pull all the loose threads together. Once I started outlining, I loved it. My next few books were thoroughly outlined after that, but I handwrite all my first drafts now. Occasionally I’ll still write by the seat of my pants. It’s fun.

Drink of choice: water or genmaicha tea (a Japanese green tea with roasted brown rice)

Chocolate of choice: 70% dark.

3. From start to finish, how long does it take for you to complete a novel?

Another tricky question. It depends on what is happening in my life. If I’m able to focus, then the book gets written super fast. The problem is the editing stage. That takes longer. Much longer. During a pandemic, focus is a rare commodity. So, Well of Ash, which was meant to be a quick rewrite, turned into a three-month project.

The first book I ever wrote took nine years. I’m currently working on rewriting it for publication. Wielder’s Prize took six months then I shelved it, picked it up years later and fixed it for publication, which took another year. Wielder’s Curse took three years, but there was a lot going on in my life then. Wielder’s Fire took about a year, probably less. I think I can write a full-length book from first word to publication in six months, but I want to do it faster--without taking shortcuts, of course.

4. How did you come up with the idea for the unique world you’ve created in Well of Ash?

Well of Ash started as a completely different genre. It was traditionally published in an anthology as an urban fantasy novelette for adults called Birthright. I’d written it specifically for the anthology with a picture prompt of a girl in a red cloak standing in a snowy forest, looking up at a castle.

When I got the rights back, I let it languish. Now that I’m a YA epic fantasy writer, this adult urban fantasy had no place. But I loved the basis of the story. The market just needed shifting. So I changed the main character from a twenty-nine-year-old to a sixteen-year-old. I also changed the setting from Florida to a fantasy realm. That’s when the city of Prudentia was born.

I’ve written a lot of realms based in medieval times or seventeenth/eighteenth century technology. I wanted something different. After research, I decided I liked the Romanesque architecture best. I then meshed Roman(ish) with nineteenth century tech.

The next thing I did was add dragons. I’ve always wanted to write a story with dragons. They are my favourite fantasy creatures. Well of Ash got a brief outline. The funny thing was, once I started writing, I had to throw out most of the original story. The base is still there but the rest is completely different. So much for a quick project. But the story insisted.

5. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Just write. Keep writing. Make a habit of writing. It doesn’t matter if it’s rubbish. Keep writing. It doesn’t matter if you can’t catch the eye of an agent or publisher yet. Keep writing. Remember why you love to write. Bring those stories to life and revel in your accomplishment. I’m a firm believer that no writing is wasted writing. So, keep writing.


Where to find Elle Cardy:






The Liftoff Blog Tour Continues This Week at These Awesome Blogs!
On November 16th:
Alex J. Cavanaugh:  Space Travel is Easy
Natalie Aguirre: Shout-Out

On November 18th:
Erika Beebe: Shout-Out

Please stop by and join the conversation!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Book Launch Day for Liftoff!

 Today is book release day for Liftoff: The Rayatana Series, 1

And I am thankful for these key ingredients for finishing this novella:

  • A dozen awesome readers, writers, family, and friends who read my early, tiny draft of the novella and commented on it
  • Three cups of professional editing and encouragement from author and editor Chrys Fey
  • Two cups of professional cover design and interior book formatting from author and artist Carrie Butler
  • A dozen ARC readers who reviewed/are reviewing the novella
  • Priceless bloggers who are hosting my launch tour, along with family and friends who are putting out some shout-out posts

Many thanks to all who helped me finish through encouragement, professional work, and volunteering as launch help!

Book Blog Tour Stops

August 10th Launch Day Stops and/or Social Media Shouts Planned
Susan Gourley A Guest Post on Alien-Human Interaction Tropes
Jacqui Murray A Shout-Out Post
Jemi Fraser A Guest Post on the Hazards of Teen Dialogue
Beth Camp Interview Guest Post on My Writing Process
Jemima Pett A Shout-Out Post
Cathrina Constantine Author Interview

Amanda Tillet on Facebook
Stephanie de Leon on Facebook
Jessica Roberts on Facebook

August 11th Book Tour Stops
C. Lee Mckenzie - Language Barriers Lifted SciFi Tropes
MJ Fifield - Ancient and Advanced Aliens SciFi Tropes
Patricia Lynne - Aliens R Us SciFi Tropes

August 12th Book Tour Stops
Diane Burton - The Chosen One SciFi Trope

August 16th Book Tour Stops
Chrys Fey - Why Write a Novella?
Toi Thomas - SciFi Trope: The Resiliency of the Human Mind
Lynda Young - A TV Guide to Writing Teen Dialogue
Alex J. Cavanaugh - SciFi Trope: Space Travel is Easy
Natalie Aguirre - Shout-Out Stop

August 18th Book Tour Stop
Erika Beebe - Shout-Out Stop

Title: Liftoff

Subtitle: The Rayatana Series, Book 1

A spaceship in disguise,

An Earth girl searching for a sense of home,

And a Thousand Years’ War between alien races,

All collide on a summer afternoon.

An old movie theater welcomes Amaya in and wraps her up in the smell of popcorn and licorice. But one sunny afternoon during a matinee, the movie screen goes dark. The theater rumbles.

Amaya gets trapped in the middle of an ancient alien conflict. Angry and frightened, Amaya entangles herself in a life-changing cultural misunderstanding with Sol, a young alien who keeps omitting key information, even while they’re on the run from his enemies.

What will it take to survive a battle between alien races involved in an ancient war?

Liftoff is a fast-paced read for fans of Code 8, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Cobra Kai.

Release Date: November 10, 2020

Paperback ISBN:  978-0-9889933-8-9

Ebook ISBN:  978-0-9889933-9-6

Copyright Tyrean Martinson November 2020

Publisher: Wings of Light Publishing, Gig Harbor, WA, USA

Professionally Edited by Chrys Fey

Cover Art and Interior Design by Carrie Butler

LINKS: Kindle       Apple               Kobo               Smashwords                Bookbub         Goodreads

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 2020 IWSG: Why Do You Write What You Write? and Liftoff


The IWSG is an awesome place to find encouragement and support. To participate in the blog hop, sign up on the list here, write a post, then read posts and comment on them. To get more reads and follows,  it helps to go read and comment. :) 
The IWSG was founded by our Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
This month, the co-hosts are:


Albert Camus once said, "The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself." Flanner O'Conner said, "I write to discover what I know." Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write. Why do you write what you write?

I write fantasy and science fiction because I think there's always room for wonder and possibility, but also because I had a tough time in my younger childhood years. I was bullied at school so I spent lunch recesses in the library. I found inspiration in books where dragons of all kinds might be defeated by a lion's roar, a bar of chocolate, or small sword called Sting in the hands of an unlikely hobbit.  

Because of all that and other experiences, I write fantasy and science fiction, where worlds of wonder await, where heroes and heroines can defeat evil, and struggle against any darkness inside themselves. There's always hope on the horizon. That's where my love of God and my faith come into it. 

While I have written overtly faith-based work, my newest novella is something I wrote for entertainment value. My main heroine is a tough young woman, but there's more to her story than just a few fistfights. If you like action, science fiction, and sweet romance, you might like it.

LIFTOFF is coming out on November 10th!

A spaceship in disguise,

An Earth girl searching for a sense of home,

And a Thousand Years’ War between alien races,

All collide on a summer afternoon. 

What will it take to survive a battle between alien races involved in an ancient war?

A fast-paced read for fans of Code 8, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Cobra Kai.

Liftoff on Goodreads

I have a new newsletter: Newsletter Sign-Up 


No one knows who built the Great Wells across the world or why. To linger near makes the skin crawl and the mind drift in nightmares. Yet this one calls to Ash in whispers that pull her closer. Soon she’s caught in a mystery that can kill. She must find the answers before she loses her sanity and her life.

If you like dragons, magic, and a fierce heroine with a wounded heart, then you’ll love Well of Ash, a YA Fantasy novella by Elle Cardy. Available now as an ebook and paperback on Amazon. OR, for a limited time, pick up a free copy when you join Elle’s VIP newsletter club.

I read this one, and definitely recommend it! 

Elizabeth Seckman has a new romance read out! I recommend this one, too! 

For Danni Lowry, going home for her aunt’s funeral means facing reality, and that’s not something she’s eager to do. Since leaving North Carolina, she’s lost her money, her husband, and all hope for happiness.

Lil LaChance has been hiding a major secret from her family and friends for three years. But now the man who attacked her has escaped from jail and she just wants to be home for Christmas.


Exhausted from a tour promoting his latest thriller, Max Fortini needs space to figure out if he has another book in him. Instead, he finds a dog snoring in his guest room and a sexy intruder in his bed. 

This is the 5th book in the Bloo Moose Romance Series by Jemi Fraser and can be read as a stand-alone novel. Book Page Link. Coming on November 10th! 

If you like romance, you will like these books - recommended. 

(If I missed yours, let me know and I'll highlight it next time.)