
Friday, November 17, 2017

5 Things to Do to Get Published by Tara Tyler #Disposaltour

5 Things to Do to Get Published

Don't get your hopes up, there's no easy secret plan to getting published - well, there is and anyone can do it these days, but only true, dedicated writers won't cut corners to be published. Real writers put blood, sweat, tears, and laughter not only into their books, but also into their efforts to have it published.

And so, here is my list of 5 Things to Do to Get Published:
  1. Tell a fantastic story! Write it down with flair.
  2. Research and edit to make it even better - listen to advice, criticism, but most importantly your heart.
  3. Condense your magnificent story into two succinct paragraphs that will lure readers to want to find out what happens in the book. A query. This you will send to hungry agents after you find out who has an appetite for your genre.
  4. Don't give up. This is the most important step. Rejections and lack of responses will make you depressed, weepy, doubt yourself, and want to quit. You have to keep at it. Keep busy, keep writing, keep submitting.
  5. Eventually, you will be ready. A wonderful situation will present itself and you'll get published! But that's when the real work begins - marketing and putting yourself out there to sell it!

DISPOSAL by Tara Tyler
Pop Travel, Book Three

Cooper and Geri are finally in a good place, but their bliss is short-lived when Cooper's rebellious nephew Jimmy moves in with them for a summer internship. He hits the town hard and thinks he's found the girl of his dreams in an fiery, exotic beauty. Against all words of warning, he pursues her and ends up getting kidnapped by her powerful Drug Lord father. Geri tracks him down, but gets herself kidnapped as well.

Now it's up to Cooper to use all his resources to save them, including the hot homicide detective Geri secretly despises, and the latest sketchy gadgets his genius friend Hasan offers him to field-test. Sure, why not? Cooper will do anything to get his family back.

KINDLE <=> Paperback (coming soon)

About the Author:
Tara Tyler is a math teacher who writes to share her passion for reading with others. She loves dogs, coffee, and is the lazy housewife, living in a world of boys with three sons and a coach husband. Join her for an adventure!

Book One           Book Two

To celebrate, you can take Tara Tyler's SURVEY- which will automatically enter you for a PRIZE! Drawing and winners announced on December 15th.

Thanks so much to Tyrean for hosting and supporting me - she's been a great friend for many years now. Hard to believe it's been so long! (You are so welcome, Tara!!!)