
Friday, January 30, 2015

Big Dreams and Goals Update (And Celebrations - big and little)

Goals Update:

1. Working towards getting something off my desktop and into the publishing world each month. JanuaryAshes Burn Season 1 - completed and out! Release day was Wednesday and I'm still celebrating! :)

2. Write1Sub1 and re-submissions of rejected works:
Three rejection letters.
Two acceptance letters. 
One new story submission to Brilliant Flash Fiction's Life is Good contest.
Re-submissions so far: zero, spent a few hours researching new markets.

January Publications: "Okay is Enough" at Brilliant Flash Fiction today!
Five hint fiction stories at Seven by Twenty this week!

3. Writing progress on the semi-secret project (a novella based on the script of a web/local tv paranormal series): B plot (my creation) Log-line, Full Outline, First Draft to 12 chapters.

4. Getting out there somehow (marketing):
Alex J. Cavanaugh gave me a shout-out! Many Thanks!
Liz at Unicorn Bell hosted me on Wednesday! Many Thanks!
I filled out a form for a podcast . . . may be on the air in April. :)

5. Exercise: Daily Yoga and 1,000 miles bike and walk.
 Um. 5 miles exercise bike, 15 miles walked. Then, I fell down the stairs and sprained my foot, ankle, and my back, neck, shoulder, etc. So . . . chair stretches commencing. Core workouts planned for when I get the sure go-ahead from doc.

6. Relational:
Invitational attitude - invited various friends and family members over for two birthday celebrations, and open house for our home-school co-op. And, invited two authors to have a spot on this blog next month.

7. Spiritual:
Quiet Time/Bible Study/Prayer (Note: I believe that Jesus died to save me from my sins, I don't have to do anything to "earn" grace - it's free. I just want to grow in my faith.): Only an average of three planned quiet times each week, crazy prayer moments throughout the day as usual.

What are your big castle-dream goals this year? How are you putting some foundations under them?

 And, if you haven't taken a look at it yet, please take a look at my page for Ashes Burn here on my blog, or check out my post at Unicorn Bell which gives a little hint about hint fiction. :)


  1. My day normally begins with praying the rosary. I have a devotion to that prayer, and it helps me jump start my day. Congrats on your book release!!!

    1. That sounds like a great way to start the day! Thanks, Cathrina!

  2. Sounds like a mostly good month. Sorry to hear about the fall but congrats on the book release.

  3. Sounds like quite a lot of positive stuff going on. Congrats on the book and hope you are getting over the fall.

    1. Definitely lots of good stuff! I'm slowly getting better. I finally feel like I can move again.

  4. I love the "crazy prayer moments throughout the day as usual." Sounds so familiar. I hope you are recovering well from the fall. Congrats on your book release and on all the progress you've made. My goal is to get my book published. I'm going to get there if it kills me.

    1. You will reach that goal!
      Thanks for stopping by, Lori!

  5. Sorry you fell down, but great you're trying to exercise a lot. Me too. I go to Planet Fitness and ride the bike. And walk my dog when it's warm enough. I'm trying to meditate most days too and read something inspirational. Don't get to it every day, but am doing it most days.

    1. "Most days" are sometimes the most we can get in, and I think it's good. :)

  6. I had a stair tumble, two years back. Take your time recovering! Love your celebration of the book release! Best wishes on completing other goals.(smile)

  7. Holy cow! Huge congrats on your release and your 2 short story acceptances. What a great week for you! I remember subbing and all the research I had to do to find venues. Good luck, and have a wonderful weekend!

  8. You are amazing! What a power house of getting things done you are. I'm a big believer in grace too, and I thank God for it every day, because between you and me? I try to be good, but I am a total screw up most days. I have to do a whole bunch of daily thank yous for putting up with me prayers! I've been trying to do the Joyce Meyer 30/30 challenge. I'll probably average out to about a 15/15, but it's good to have goals!

  9. Wow! You go girl! I'm taking one day at a time and trying not to let anything stress me out too much :)

  10. You're doing awesome! I fell behind a bit this week since I wasn't feeling too well, and I traded assisting days at my son's preschool with another mom who had to do jury duty. Have a great weekend! :)

  11. Wow! Looks like you've gotten a ton done. So sorry to read about your fall, though. :-(

    1. Thanks, Misha. It's been a busy month and February looks the same . . . if all goes well. :)

  12. Congrats on all the awesome things this month! Just checked out your hint fiction stories over at Seven By Twenty, and wow, they're amazing! I especially liked the magic one... :)

    Sorry to hear about that fall, though. Yikes!

    1. Thanks, Heather! I think the magic one was my favorite, too. :)

  13. A podcast? Cool - let us know when it airs. And congratulations on the acceptances.

    1. THanks! I stopped in the middle of filling out my questionnaire for the podcast because I felt like I had nothing for one of the answers . . . but thanks to the the awesome encouragement I always get here, I think I might have something now. :)

  14. Looks like you are getting a lot done. I hope you recover quickly from your tumble down the stairs though. And keep enjoying that release date!

  15. I love that quote, I'd not seen it before! Sounds like you're keeping yourself motivated and inspired, go you. *high five*

  16. I'm sorry you injured yourself.

    I'm mentioning your new book at my other blog tomorrow, The Circle of Friends.

  17. Poo on that injury, but I think your big castle dreams are great. My dream is to be better at saying no to things that take me away from writing. I've already started declining manuscripts, and I feel terrible for not taking them on, but with two new books out and another on the way, I'm barely treading water. If you'd like to be on my Hat's Off Corner, let me know. You're always welcome, Tyrean.

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you, Beth! It's a long haul with daily goals in the midst of it, but I just keep swimming.

  19. I love that you're re-submitting rejected work. Just because they may be rejected one or even ten times doesn't mean they won't be published. :)

    1. That's so true. I've been learning that lesson from other writers whose stories get published after several rejections.

  20. I am sorry to hear you fell! I hope you recover swiftly. It is hard with injuries.

  21. You're making great progress with your ambitions. Well done.

  22. Wow, congrats on all the writing progress! My goal this year is to get my new WIP underway.

  23. I'm going to reap from all the seeds and harvesting I've done for the past few years. 2015 is the year to reap what has been sown.

    And thanks for stopping by during the Blitz and saying hello.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!