
Friday, August 28, 2009

hard work, hope and perseverance

Hard work, hope, and perseverance. These three elements are key to getting anything done.

Today, I haven't put in my hard work yet for my writing. When will I make the time? After my next segment of hard work on cleaning and packing. Sigh. It always seems like there is something.

Today though, it seemed like I needed a little hope to get started. And I found it . . . slowly, after searching through some of the usual spots I find it like at everydaypoets and everydayfiction, and mindflights, flash fiction online, and the Tacoma News Tribune. And my Bible.

All those are good places for hope and inspiration to drive me through the hard work with some perseverance. And yet, I found myself stalling. So I searched out my own story at in the archives, and re-read it. Dragon Fold is actually pretty good. I know that sounds like bragging, but I was starting to doubt my writing ability, and sometimes I have to read something that's been published to realize, "ok, I can do this."

So now for the hard work. I think I can spare at least twenty minutes before I start anymore housework, or packing.

Twenty minutes isn't very hard at all, if I do twenty now, twenty later, and twenty tonight, I'll have my hour minimum in. Sometimes making those kinds of adjustments is what perseverance is all about. Getting it done with all of life crowding for a spot at the timetable.
So here goes . . . another story like Dragon Fold, I hope.